Ainu frá
First Published in 1993. This book is the outcome of a project called Intercultural Relations in Japan with Special Reference to the Integration of the Ainu. The author’s main concern is the phenomenon called Fourth World Populations.
Ainu frá
Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan is the first major study to trace the outlines of Ainu history.
Ainu frá
This subset of the series 'The Ainu Library' presents early European works on the Ainu and their culture through descriptions and travelogues by early European visitors.
Ainu frá
"Some 55 scholars, mostly Japanese but with a considerable number from the US and Europe, write about the ethnicity, theories of origin, history, economies, art, religious beliefs, mythology, and other aspects of the culture of the Ainu, ...
Ainu frá
This handbook, the result of unprecedented cooperation of the leading experts of Ainu, will definitely help to increase the clarity of our understanding of Ainu and in a long-term perspective may provide answers to problems of human ...
Ainu frá
This book is a beautiful and moving personal account of the Ainu, the native inhabitants of Hokkaidō, Japan's northern island, whose land, economy, and culture have been absorbed and destroyed in recent centuries by advancing Japanese.
Ainu frá
This major new volume seeks to re-address the role of academic scholarship in Ainu social, cultural, and political affairs.
Ainu frá
This is the story of the Ainu in what is today far Northern Japan, showing the ecological and cultural processes by which this people's political, economic, and cultural autonomy eroded as they became an ethnic minority in the modern ...