Ibid frá
... as I continue to shamefully proclaim my hungry female body open to all comers . With all sincerity , Lucile When Beryl realized that she was losing the battle to steal Jonathan from her sister , her tactics became even more 96 IBID : A ...
Ibid frá
... Ibid continued on its wanderings. The Pequots, enfeebled by a previous war, could give the now stricken Narragansetts no assistance; and in 1680 a Dutch furtrader of Albany, Petrus van Schaack, secured the distinguished cranium for the ...
Ibid frá
... Ibid . , 158 . 11. Ibid . , 158 , 159 . 12. Ibid . , 160 . 13. Ibid . , 161 . 14. Ibid . , 162 . 15. Lockwood , The Apache Indi- ans , 51 . 16. Opler , Apache Life - Way , 161 . 17. Ibid . , 162 . 18. Ibid . , 165–166 . 19. Lockwood ...
Ibid frá
... ibid . , Connecticut , New York , Virginia ; I. mellipes , ibid . , Canada , Maine ; I. puerilis , l . c . p . 296 , Canada ; I. infidelis , ibid . , Connecticut ; I. improvisus , ibid . , New Jersey ; I. sćvus , ibid . , Illinois ...
Ibid frá
... ibid .. 1884 ; Instructor in English , ibid . , 1879-86 ; Instructor in English , Chautauqua College , 1886- ; Instructor in English , Wells College , 1889-91 . KARL PIETSCH , PH.D. , Instructor in Romance Lan- guages and Literatures ...
Ibid frá
... ibid . , p . 16088 ; on Porto Rico regiment , ibid . , p . 4107 ; on a river and harbor appropriation bill , ibid . , p . 15925 ; on rules of the House , ibid . , p . 1796 ; on a relief bill , ibid . , pp . 13087 , 13088 ; on a ...
Ibid frá
... Ibid . 1886 , 18 . Naias flexilis Rostk . at Killarney . Ibid . 83 . Caithness Botany . Ibid . 85 . New Glamorgan Plants . Ibid . 112 . Rubus pallidus W. & N. in Britain . Ibid . 308 . A New British Rubus . Ibid . 1887 , 82 , 118 ...
Ibid frá
1758 Iniistius verater . Ibid . 1759 Ophicephalus striatus . Ibid . Thalassoma baillieui . Ibid . 1760 1761-4 Hyporhamphus pacificus . Ibid . 1765-6 Sicopterus stimsoni . Ibid . 1767 Eteliscus marshi . Ibid . 1768-71 Awaous ...
Ibid frá
... Ibid . , pp . 99-193 . Coal in Adair county . Ibid . , pp . 441-443 . In Adams county . Ibid . , pp . 445-450 . In Appanoose county . 1894 . 1894 . In Boone county . Ibid . , pp . 406-424 . Ibid . , pp . 225-236 . Ibid . , pp . 440-441 .
Ibid frá
... Ibid . , 20 . 13. Baldwin , " An Open Letter to My Sister , Angela Davis , " 15 . 14. Baldwin , The Fire Next Time , 22 . 15. Ibid . 16. Ibid . , 23 . 17. Ibid . 18. Ibid . , 27 19. Ibid . , 25-26 . 20. Ibid . , 16 . 21. Ibid . 22. See ...