bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Volume I of a comprehensive three-part guide to celestial objects outside our solar system ranges from Andromeda to Cetus. Features coordinates, classifications, physical descriptions, hundreds of visual aids. 1977 edition.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
The text is divided into ten chapters which progress logically in terms of the difficulty of their subject matter.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Ancient observations and folklore provide the basis for an exploration of astronomical nomenclature
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Ancient observations and folklore provide the basis for an exploration of astronomical nomenclature.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Ancient observations and folklore provide the basis for an exploration of astronomical nomenclature.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Also detailed chronicle of Kepler's public and personal life: childhood and youth, education, mother's trial as a witch, fear of religious persecution, more.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Ancient observations and folklore provide the basis for an exploration of astronomical nomenclature.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Newly revised and updated with special section of new photos. Over 100 photos and diagrams. "Extraordinary delight awaits the amateur astronomer or teacher who opens this book." — The Science Teacher.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
Popular, authoritative look at the world of archaeoastronomy, the study of ancient peoples' observation of the skies and its role in their cultural evolution. 208 illustrations.
bibliogroup:"Dover books on astronomy" frá
In chapters i-iv, Chandrasekhar presents the "classical" background necessary to his argument: the laws of thermodynamics (from Carathéodory's rigorous axiomatic standpoint), adiabatic and polytropic laws, and the work of Ritter, Emden, ...