buraku frá
Translated with an Intoduction by Alastair McLaughlin. The extent of discrimination against the Buraku communities is one of the most sensitive issues facing the Japanese government and the social coherence of contemporary Japan.
buraku frá
'Performing the Buraku' explores representations of the 'buraku' issue by community and local activism in contemporary Japan, with a special focus on performances and museum exhibitions.
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Written by an internationally recognized specialist on Buraku studies, this book casts new light on majority-minority relations and the struggle for Buraku liberation.
buraku frá
戦後60年を機に、この間の部落解放をめざす歩みを振り返り、成果と課題を明らかにし、部落が解放された、差別なき平和な日本と世界を創造するための取り組みを飛躍的に強化 ...
buraku frá
Gordon provides the context of the efforts to achieve the human rights of the Burakumin and the complexity of their identity in a Japanese society struggling with economic and demographic globalization.