Many of the chapters have been written especially for this volume - including one in which Dr Coombs makes a thoughtful and provocative contribution to the Mabo debate, linking the High Courtas historic 1992 decision on native title to ...
Includes account of his work with the Council for Aboriginal Affairs; role of McMahon, Whitlam, Wentworth, in Aboriginal affairs; Aboriginal Embassy, land rights movement.
Papers on Council for Aboriginal Affairs, Aboriginal law, decision making, Rirratjingu and Gomaitj at Yirrkala, health, education, employment; Everard Park, Bourke, Redfern, Pitjantjatjatta at North-west Reserve, Pintubi at Papunya, Bardi ...
Discusses the need to control our institutions and the influence they have over us; danger to individual and social life and to continued existence of the world environment if economic growth is unfettered, brief references to Aboriginal ...
Examples of Mimili, SA, Yirrkala, NT, Bourke and Redfern, NSW, illustrates common trends; Aboriginal aspirations for modest life-style, separateness; need for acceptance of diversity.