In this book, Nietzsche’s concept of the agon or Wettkampf, a measured and productive form of conflict inspired by ancient Greek culture, is advanced as the dynamic and organising principle of his philosophical practice, enabling us to ...
... which Marlowe composed the play . He employed these defining characteristics self - consciously , in ways that give the play a quite different technical cast than his other works RENAISSANCE DRAMATIC TRANSVALUATIONS 127 Christopher Marlowe.
The work is divided into four books included within this volume: First Book: European Nihilism, Second Book: Criticism of the Highest Values that Have Prevailed Hitherto, Third Book: The Principles of A New Valuation, and Fourth Book: ...
Herbert Marcuse's lectures recently discovered in the Marcuse Archive Frankfurt on the growing emergence of a "new sensibility," and a"transvaluation of values" that since the Sixties has activated key sectors of U.S. society against: ...
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Transvalue values—what does this mean? It implies that all spontaneous motives, all new ... transvaluation of values can only be accomplished when there is a tension of new needs, and a new set of needy ...
... transvalued valuations ; distance as pathos ; a clean conscience in what to - day is most despised and most prohibited . The levelling of the mankind of Europe is the great process which should not be arrested ; it should even be ...