... homo sacer et devotus, detestandus, exeor.*.bilis— and he derives the word from pharmasso-misceo. It Is. in fact, a word now in common use in English, pharmacist, and means a mixer and dispenser of drugs, etc., or possibly a dealer In ...
... homo narcpndo; vltultisque sacer moriendo; Et leo snrgendo; creios aquilaque petendo." It was sometimes considered as the symbol of regeneration of man. Hence at Toledo there are two lecterns of date of 1570 and 1M6. representing the ...
... sacer- dotes de esta vertiente cristiana. Los mil quinientos habitantes de ... Homo, que alberga a 63 estudiantes que aprenden tecnicamente a sembrar ... Homo de aca Raspadura se muere. Porque nadie rico volveria". En eso el ...
... homo Hosting, Lhc event wore parents of tho bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Os ... homo of Mrs. Edward F. pair will make a home in Salt Frasor, 2272 Country ... Sacer, two-year directors. quaintod Group — Kvening meet Wright is a two ...
... homo- sexualidad y la negativa a permitir mujeres en el sacer- docio. En esta misma ciudad, el Papa escuch6 a Donna Hanson, una secretaria del obispo de Spokane, que hab!6 sobre las frustraclones de la mujer y los. laicos, en general ...
... Homo of the Impostures of a Humbug. Air. Ernest Jlnrt, editor of tho London ... sacer of the heathon Chinee, ''tho same with intent to deceive.'1 In tho ... Homo further tuition was necessary, and a bhort tlmo the candidate was ...
... Sacer Is tall and a blonde; tho second Is short and a brunottc. While being ... homo, shortly beforo noon Monday, by searching party which had worked at the ... homo In a few days. "L1LLIW LAWRENCE." was very fond of lior mother ...
... Homo, from London JBih July. Passengers— saloon : Miss Hjurth, Mrs. I'lyim, Messrs. J. Uotherinirton, E. II. M ... Sacer, Miss Ni.hol.son, Miss Pyne, Miss Clark, Miss M'Mahon, Miss Williams, Mr. Dodge, Mrs. Murphy and children (2) ...
... sacer- perfectam e n t e dote acompano al representan- j homo rotativo, revolve- Jte papal a SUS habltaciones, le 120 cuartos, maquinana Dencjici6n de Maria Auxiliadora y le deseo buena. _ Dice _ despues de las tres de la manana le ...