... KAfU'E I.KAfU N'ortliern Division. Southern Division Wall* Walla 19 .612 TH f Iv 12 3D' Bav N. Bend 12 .375. Tuesday's Results. Spokane A. . MMII.I Walla 5 Seattle 1 I ewnlnn I qarnn suspend rnos Bav North Bend nl Trl-Clly. prxi. TKXAS I.
... Kafu n'«^" S"1? just as you said. I tliouglit you refused Dimple cuougli to believe that you meant Hw '•' -r-"»P-1 KS" w^m.W^Sr'ft, Wl!r'!!'r-« -Kafu n'«^" S"1? just as you said. I tliouglit you refused my escort merely because you had ...
... kafu* kafu* T p.m. •vealns worship a p.m.. MCTBUDIST, CENTENART — 1749 Fifth Bast Bt, th* R*v Faul L. Keoinsosi rn.nuur Bund*) Bcbool. ie a m . war ship servit* U a.m. T*uth fellowshi • JO pm. METHOOIBT. FIRST -M3 East Beton Bouift at ...
... KafU. ^ «J. KafU. rpHERMOMETERS, JL ters,in Tin and Morocco &c.— Cases; Excellent PatentTape Thermome Mea sures, f or Engineers and Builders; Ne Plus Ultra Wri ting Desks; Wilson's improved 13 inch Globes; very superiorMathematical ...
... Kafu.s Kafu.s Bratton. abducted from Canada on TniuloR for the cup, one of his plates twiated tin? tin? Uh of -lune and tnhea to South Carof ۥ Jt round and cut his other foot and lea budly. lina, lina, came me up on writs of remand ...
... Kafu and Aymeric Incident. (Kti Tin Ailaeitttnl Print Washington, Sept. 25.— Informal prciwioiiH of rcgrot have been made by Great Britain to the Mate department for seizure nt Hong Kong of American-owned goods consigned to Manila on ...