... Kong Olaf , der medrette maa kaldes Nordmćndenes Apostel ; disse Linjer ( Vers ) forfattedes af Odd Munk paa Thingeyre , en herlig Mand og stor Guds Ven , om hvem der fortćlles at han skal have seet underlige Syner , ja at Kong Olaf ...
... kong , the three lights , sun , moon , and stars . kong - im ( R. ) , time ( v . im ) . ŕm - kong - chiáu , the small owl . kong - kéng , a landscape ; state or circumstances ( v . kéng ) . kong - chhái ... kóng , full kong kóng 246.
... Kong Olaf ) den Etstores ( d . e . Kongens ) Ord , ligesom jeg kjöbte ( dem ) af Man- den ( d . e . Kong Olaf ) d . e . da jeg havde knap Tid , svarede jeg Kongen med de samme Ord , hvormed han havde henvendt sig til mig . = 1 ...
kong iu siong chá ' severity || to converse , to chat ; ' ya ' kong , tempered with kindness ; king to lie ; ' kong má ch'ok , unable to kong , the four gigantic guards in articulate ; ' kong ' chiu liang ' to Budhist temples ; king kong ...
... Kong has had 11 young men and boys enrolled during the year - one - half from Hunan , the rest from Sam Kong and Lien Chow . Thorough religious training is given to these youth , in the hope that they may be not only converted but ...