... Marty Parted with His Last Quarter. U.v WALUCi: K. NOKMAN. Being an actor. Marty Harris generally slept until noon but on tins hot, muggy Now York morning he was up early. As early as 10 o'clock, in fact, sitting on the edge of his bed ...
Marty Cross And Jimm Was Hard for Marty Cross to Break the Pugilistic Game dAfnee ITS' Enlisted Navy After First Fight Brothers CAT Did Not Allow Him to Box Won Cham pionship of Atlantic Fleet. With the possible cxcepllon of> Georges ...
Installment Sixteen Weep No More, My Marty. Audrey appeared on Marty's doorstep at night. She showed proof that Hannah did not die on the train ride. Marty thought up plan to help Bryan, Meg, and Jessica win the history contest. Marty ...
... Marty Brown has the same problem. His music sounds just like Hank and Jimmie, two of his biggest influences, and it's about as country as you can get. I did an article on Marty back in August of '91 and thought it might be time to ...
Marty Oilman of Oilman. John Martin (Marty) Oilman died Wednesday. His name was hardly a household one even in his native Southeastern Connecticut, but the man's contributions to the game of football arc-mountainous. For Marty Oilman was ...
'MARTY' IS RATED GREAT PICTURE. Ernest Borgnine Scores in Lonely Butcher Story. By DOROTHY R. POWERS The pitiful loneliness that is an ordinary guy named Marty will leave ... Marty" "Marty" has has its its light light moments. moments.
Big Marty Goes To FDR To Get Cloth For New Pants. Hazleton, Pa., July 15 (AP>— A presldentlally-lnsplred pants priority for Martin R. iBlg Marty) Wolfkell saved the 380- pound California shipyard worker from becoming California's ...
... Marty was born Nov. 30, 1924, in North New Portland, son Martelle C. Quint (Ronco) Quint Webb. The young family moved Pittsfield during the Great Depression. Marty graduated from MCI in 1943, where excelled in sports and became known ...
... Marty wanted to take a long time on the album this time. He's slow anyway. Marty would like to take three years on each album. But I think going slow has helped this album. The last one was rushed and I think that hurt it some." Kantner ...