Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol var bandarískur myndlistarmağur, rithöfundur og kvikmyndagerğarmağur. Hann var einn af frumkvöğlum popplistar í Bandaríkjunum á 6. áratugnum. Hann er einkum şekktur fyrir litsterk málverk og silkişrykk meğ myndum af hversdagslegum... Wikipedia
Fæğingardagur: 6. ágúst 1928
Fæğingarstağur: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanía
Lést: 22. febrúar 1987, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York-borg, New York-fylki
Tímabil: Pop art og Modern art
Menntun: Schenley Apartments (1942–1945) og Carnegie Mellon School of Art
Foreldrar: Andrej Warhola og Julia Warhola
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Where did Andy Warhol receive his education?
Where did Andy Warhol go to art school?
Did Andy Warhol drop out of school?
What did Andy Warhol do after college?
6. ágú. 2010 · When he entered the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) as a freshman in 1945, Andrew Warhola embarked on the ...
Warhol graduated from Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Pictorial Design in 1949 ...
11. mar. 2022 · Warhol attended Holmes Elementary school and took the free art classes offered at the Carnegie Institute (now the Carnegie Museum of Art) in ...
St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania · Carnegie Institute of Technology · Printmaking, painting, cinema, photography.
He attended free art classes at the Carnegie Museum, and was the first in his family to go to college, earning a degree in Pictorial Design from the Carnegie ...
13. nóv. 2024 · The son of Ruthenian (Rusyn) immigrants from what is now eastern Slovakia, Warhol graduated in 1949 from the Carnegie Institute of Technology ( ...
Andy Warhol graduated with a degree in Pictorial Design from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in 1949.
He attended Holmes Elementary School and Schenley High School and graduated at the young age of 16 in 1945, finishing 51st in his class of 278 graduates. When ...
Warhol attended Holmes Elementary School. In 1945, at the age of 16, he graduated from Schenley High School. He finished 51 out of 278 graduates. Sadly ...
Andy Warhol and I entered Carnegie Institute of Technology as freshmen art students, the school represented a middle-ground approach to educating future ...