
Michael Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson, kallađur „konungur poppsins“, var bandarískur tónlistarmađur, dansari og einn vinsćlasti skemmtikraftur allra tíma. Söngur hans og dansspor, ásamt skrautlegu einkalífi, fćrđu honum vinsćldir í yfir fjóra áratugi. Hann hafđi... Wikipedia
Fćđingardagur: 29. ágúst 1958
Fćđingarstađur: Gary, Indiana
Maki: Debbie Rowe (m. 1996–2000) og Lisa Marie Presley (m. 1994–1996)

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and philanthropist. Dubbed the "King of Pop", ...
Fólk spyr einnig um
Michael Jackson is the first artist in music history to have Top 10 singles in five different decades on the Billboard Hot 100. Michael's solo winning streak ...
Michael Jackson. 69416737 likes ˇ 27433 talking about this. The King of Pop's Official Facebook Account
The Best of Michael Jackson ˇ Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Official Video) ˇ Michael Jackson - Heal the World (2020) ˇ Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( ...
Michael Jackson helped shape the sound and style of the 1970s and '80s and was one of the 20th century's defining stars, an artist and all-around ...
Michael Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer who revolutionized pop music with his mesmerizing performances, groundbreaking videos, ...
Myndskeiđ fyrir Michael Jackson
19. nóv. 2010 ˇ The short film for Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" was the centerpiece of the feature ...
Lengd: 9:26
Birt: 19. nóv. 2010
The King of Pop's Official Twitter Account. New York, NY USA. Joined July 2009. 0 Following. 2.3M Followers.
Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. His father, Joe Jackson (no relation ...