Rebirth of the Salesman: The World of Sales Is Evolving. Are You? [Book]
24,97 USD · Better World Books
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Veršur afhent 17.–20. des.
: Cian McLoughlin
: Omne Publishing, paperback
: 128 sķšur
: 0994311648
From the co-author of Amazon #1 bestseller Secrets for Business Success comes a fascinating exploration of the changing face of the sales world - a world where the balance of power has shifted irrevocably from seller to buyer. Cian has written a timely masterpiece for professional salespeople as they navigate unprecedented change and disruption. The battle for relevance and the imperative to deliver value makes this book a must read for anyone committed to both protecting and transforming their sales career. As buyers become increasingly self-educated, the sales role in many industries will undoubtedly diminish. How can organizations survive, let alone thrive in this new environment? In his excellent new book Rebirth of the Salesman, Cian McLoughlin provides a blueprint to guide us. Jonathan Farrington - Founder and CEO of Top Sales World Magazine Chock full of war stories, insights and interviews with industry heavyweights from all sides of the sales spectrum, Rebirth of the Salesman provides a fascinating and surprisingly candid perspective on the multi-billion dollar sales industry. Each chapter hones in on a specific character trait and behaviour for achieving sales mastery, providing concrete steps that any salesperson or sales leader can follow to develop their sales effectiveness and enhance their personal and professional brand. This is an insightful and uplifting book filled with the kind of courage and common sense that characterizes all great salespeople. Kristin Zhivago - Author, business technologist and President of the Cloud Era Institute A must read for anyone wanting to take their rightful place in the brave new world of B2B sales.
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